Health and Safety Policy
Section 1 - General statement of policy
Section 2 – Responsibilities
Section 3 - Risk assessments
Section 4 - Accident reporting
Section 5 - Emergency services
Section 6 - Fire safety
Section 7 - Health and safety training
Section 8 - Information, instruction and supervision
Section 9 - Noise
Section 10 - Fist-aid and medical facilities
Section 11 - Rules for visitors to the Company’s premises
SECTION 1: General statement of policy
Company Policy
It is the policy of the Company to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all our employees, and to provide such information and training as they need for this purpose.
The Company accepts its responsibility for health and safety of other persons who may be affected by the Company’s activities.
Following the identification of work-related risks and hazards, the Company will take preventative and protective measures. It is also the policy of the Company to ensure that its business is conducted in a manner so as to reduce the risks to members of the public. The Company may require you to attend such training and/or induction programmes in order to meet the aims of the Company.
The allocation of duties for safety matters, the identity of competent persons appointed with particular responsibilities, and the arrangements made to implement this policy are set out in this policy and in associated health and safety records.
This policy will be kept up to date, to reflect changes in the nature and size of the Company. To ensure this, the policy and its effectiveness will be reviewed annually.
Company’s responsibilities
It is the duty of management to:
- provide and maintain systems of work that are safe and without risk to health;
- ensure safety and the absence of risks to health in connection with handling of equipment, storage and transport;
- provide information, instruction, training and supervision;
- maintain all places of work in a safe condition;
- provide and maintain a safe working environment.
Your responsibilities
All employees and workers have a duty in law to act responsibly and to take reasonable care for the health and safety at work of both themselves and their colleagues. This duty can be carried out by:
- working safely and efficiently;
- adhering to the Company procedures for securing a safe workplace. Individuals will be nominated to undertake health and safety duties as required.
- reporting incidents that have led to injury or damage;
All such incidents must be recorded and reported to Lauren Fielding (Office Manager). Any failure to adhere to this policy and the procedures set out in it will be considered a serious disciplinary offence and is one which may lead to dismissal.
If you are responsible for setting the alarm, failure to set the alarm may result in disciplinary action being taken.
Fire & Emergency
You must observe the evacuation procedures laid down in the event of a fire or any other emergency situation. You must be aware of the location of the emergency exits, assembly points and first aid kit. Procedures to be carried out in the event of a fire or emergency will be found on the notice board.
SECTION 2: Responsibilities
Ultimate responsibility for health and safety rests with the Board of Directors, with delegation of duty to Managerial Employees/Office Manager. Those named must be fully aware of their duties, details of which should be included in their job description.
1. Overall and final responsibility within the Company rests with:
Name: Matthew Tuton
Status: Director
Telephone extension: 215
Mobile Phone: 07980 278 201
2. Person responsible for ensuring this health and safety policy is put into practice on a day-to-day basis is:
Name: Emma West
Status: Talent Acquisition Manager
Mobile Phone: 07711 090 154
3. In the event of accidents and dangerous occurrences, such incidents should be reported to:
Name: Matthew Tuton
Status: Director
Telephone extension: 215
Mobile Phone: 07980 278 201
Section 3: Risk assessments
1. Risk assessments will be undertaken by:
Name: Emma West
Status: Talent Acquisition Manager
Mobile Phone: 07711 090 154
2. The findings of the risk assessments will be reported to:
Name: Matthew Tuton
Status: Director
Telephone extension: 215
Mobile Phone: 07980 278 201
3. Action required to remove/control risks will be approved and implemented by:
Name: Emma West
Status: Talent Acquisition Manager
Mobile Phone: 07711 090 154
4. Risk assessments will be reviewed by:
Name: Matthew Tuton
Status: Director
Telephone extension: 215
Mobile Phone: 07980 278 201
Section 4: Accident reporting

SECTION 5: Emergency services
1. Nearest Hospital with a Casualty Department:
Name: Leeds General Infirmary
Address: Great George St, Leeds LS1 3EX
Telephone Number: 0113 243 2799
2. Police Station
Name: Leeds Central Police Station
Address: Park St, Leeds LS1 3BY
Telephone Number: 0113 238 2017
3. Fire Station
Name: Leeds Fire Station
Address: 88 Kirkstall Rd, Leeds LS3 1NF
Telephone Number: 0113 290 4830
4. Gas
Name: British Gas Emergency Services
Telephone Number: 0800 111 999
5. Electricity
Name: British Gas Emergency Services
Telephone Number: 0800 111 999
6. Water
Name: Yorkshire Water
Telephone Number: 0800 573 553
7. Employer Contact
Name: Lauren Fielding
Address: 5 Vesper Grove, LS5 3JW
Telephone Number: 07713 904 564
SECTION 6: Fire safety
It is essential that adequate equipment and staff training is provided on this subject.
1. Facilities:
Number/location of escape routes: 1, fire escape door next to the lift.
Number/location of fire extinguishers: 2, one in reception and 1 in the main office room, both next to the door.
Number/location of fire alarms: 1, out in the lift area next to the fire escape
2. Fire Safety Training Officer:
Name: Rupert Pearson
Status: Co-Founder
3. Fire Drills are the responsibility of:
Name: Rupert Pearson
Status: Co-Founder
4. Fire equipment maintenance company:
Name: Logic Fire & Security Ltd
Address: Monkswell House, 1 Manse Ln, Knaresborough HG5 8NQ
Telephone Number: 0845 999 3222
5. Rules/Procedure in the event of a fire:
(a) If an occupant discovers a fire, they should:
1. Raise the alarm by striking the nearest call point (Alarms by the fire exit/staircase)
2. Attack the fire with a portable fire extinguisher only if it is safe to do so (One located in reception area and one in the main office)
3. Evacuate the building via the staircase and proceed to the assembly point.
(b) In the event of the fire alarm in the office sounding, all office occupants should evacuate the building via the staircase and proceed to the assembly point.
Assembly Point: Rear of the building in front of the canal. A diagram is displayed on the company notice board in the main office.
SECTION 7: Health and safety training
Good training will ensure that employees are competent to carry out their tasks, thus reducing risk to health and safety.
Person(s) responsible for health and safety training within the Company
Name: Emma West
Status: Talent Acquisition Manager
Mobile Phone: 07711 090 154
SECTION 8: Information, instruction and supervision
Health and safety information can be found:
On the notice board in the main office area.
SECTION 9: Noise and temperature
Excessive noise impairs hearing and increases pulse rate, blood pressure and breathing rate. Noise levels will be assessed, and any risks prevented. Similarly, the temperature inside the premises will be kept at a reasonable level.
Person Responsible for assessing noise and temperature levels:
Name: Emma West
Status: Talent Acquisition Manager
Mobile Phone: 07711 090 154
Section 10: First aid and medical facilities on the Company’s premises
First Aid requirements must be met for all employees whether they are working at the designated premises or elsewhere. Employees must be made aware of the provision, and records must be kept of treatment administered.
Name: Matthew Tuton
Status: Director
Telephone extension: 215
Mobile Phone: 07980 278 201
First-Aid Box/First Aid Room is located at:
Behind the Office Mangers desk in the main office area on the windowsill
The Accident Book is located at:
On the Office Managers desk